Queen Elizabeth tours Chelsea Flower Show - GulfToday

Queen Elizabeth tours Chelsea Flower Show

Elizabeth 1

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II visits the Chelsea Flower Show in London. Reuters

Britain's Queen Elizabeth visited the Chelsea Flower Show on Monday, touring gardens including one designed by the Duchess of Cambridge, the wife of her grandson Prince William.

The show, which opens to the public on Tuesday, is the most prestigious event in Britain's gardening calendar and is organised by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), of which Elizabeth is patron.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II visits the 'Back to Nature' garden with Kate, Duchess of Cambridge. Reuters

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II arrives at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, London. Reuters

Queen Elizabeth II, is shown around 'Back to Nature' by Prince William and Catherine Duchess of Cambridge. Reuters

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II at the Chelsea Flower Show in London, Britain. Reuters

Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William and Catherine Duchess of Cambridge at the Chelsea Flower Show in London. Reuters

Elizabeth was greeted by RHS President Nicholas Bacon before being shown to the "Back to Nature Garden" designed by Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, alongside landscape artists Andree Davies and Adam White.

The garden, which includes a rope swing, a tree house and a stream with waterfalls, was enjoyed by Kate and William's three children, George, Charlotte and Louis, on Sunday.

Kate and William were among several members of the royal family who accompanied 93-year-old Elizabeth on her tour of the show, which is held in the grounds of London's Royal Hospital Chelsea.



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