Saudi German Hospitals UAE implements artificial intelligence to enhance patient care - GulfToday

Saudi German Hospitals UAE implements artificial intelligence to enhance patient care


A bird’s eye view of the Saudi German Hospital building.

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Saudi German Hospitals Group UAE (SGH) has announced the collaboration with Automation Anywhere, US based global technology leader in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to implement artificial intelligence (AI) -powered software bots to help improve patient care and automate end-to-end business processes.

The AI based approach will have a direct impact on enhancement of care management, leverage data for clinical based research activities and completely redefine the patient-centric health care delivery model.

Engr. Sobhi Batterjee – Chairman – Saudi German Hospitals Group said ‘The AI will act as a catalyst to leverage data analytics and better understand the healthcare needs of its customers/patient base, thus empower SGH UAE to curate personalized care plans, adapt evidence based practice, predict disease courses and much more to take the healthcare experience and delivery to the next level.

However, to Artificial intelligence will never replace doctors, but it will act as a companion to the doctors supporting him to provide better care for the patients. All these are in line with leadership vision and strategy of the UAE government and rulers to use the power of AI to help minimize the burden of chronic diseases, ultimately for the welfare of the citizens and residents of UAE and community at large.

Saudi-German-Doc Dr Reem Osman poses for a photograph.

Dr. Reem Osman – Group CEO, Saudi German Hospitals UAE said, “The addition of newest AI capabilities allow SGH hospital to add value and support caregivers in the treatment process by providing deeper insights on the patient’s specific condition, lifestyle & patient behavior in real time.

The automation will also increase the efficiency of caregivers and patients by reducing the administrative manual work and provide the necessary information to the patients like whether the service is covered by their insurance or not. This initiative takes us one step closer to our objective to continue to redefine a patient-centric health care delivery system, thereby empowering individuals to proactively manage their health.”

The core objective of intelligent automation is to perform more time-consuming / manual tasks, enabling staff to concentrate on a more qualitative patient care. Bots for processes part of a patient's journey will simplify the experience and bots for back office processes will strengthen the platform of delivery.

SGH has always believed in adapting meaningful technology, the real IT is when end user understands it and believes its adaption is the path to an improved experience, the appropriate alignment of intelligent automation with existing systems will improve the overall ecosystem.

 "We are privileged to partner with the Saudi German Hospital UAE. This AI initiative will equip SGH UAE with cutting-edge technologies to redefine health and care in the new post COVID-19 pandemic era," said the spoke person of Automation Anywhere.

Automation Anywhere is a global leader in Robotic Process Automation (RPA), empowering customers to automate end-to-end business processes with software bots – digital workers that perform repetitive and manual tasks, resulting in dramatic productivity gains, optimized customer experience and more engaged employees. The company offers the world’s only web-based and cloud-native intelligent automation platform combining RPA, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and analytics right out of the box, to help organizations rapidly start and scale their process automation journey.

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