Heavy rain, hailstorm likely to hit UAE in coming days - GulfToday

Heavy rain, hailstorm likely to hit UAE in coming days

A car moves at a slow pace during heavy rain. File

Emadeddin Khalil, Staff reporter

A weather condition is expected to affect the country for 3 days, starting next Sunday (February 11) to Tuesday (February 13), witnessing heavy rain at intervals, lightning and thunder at times with the possibility of hail falling over some areas with a decrease in temperatures, the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) reported.

“This weather condition will be due to an extension of a shallow air depression from the southwest, accompanied by humid southeasterly winds with an extension of an upper air depression, accompanied by a cold air mass and a western air current, as well as different amounts of clouds flowing from the west,” NCM added.

It also explained that the weather from Sunday to Tuesday would witness an increase of clouds towering over scattered areas with cumulous clouds, accompanied by rain of varying intensity at intervals, lightning and thunder sometimes, with the possibility of hail falling on some areas with a decrease in temperatures.

The winds will be moderate to fresh and sometimes strong, especially with clouds formation, stirring dust and dirt. The sea will be rough to very rough at times in the Arabian Gulf and rough in the Sea of Oman, especially with cumulus clouds.

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