The poor need help - GulfToday

The poor need help


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The article ‘Fight against pandemic must go on’ (August 12) has revealed some of the true scenarios of the pandemic-stricken world. While some find a way of dealing with it creatively, a large section of the people across the world continue with their struggles for mere survival.

In several countries, the only way of handling the fallout of the pandemic is to take care of the masses that are languishing in the lower rung of the society and need support from the government to meet their needs. They have been hit hard during the pandemic for almost two years now.

Finding a solution to the commoners’ struggle for survival is not gaining any momentum in many of the poor countries as their respective administrations are not coming forward with any kind of development initiatives.

When people are forced to say indoor for an indefinite long period, it is the government’s responsibility to provide them with the basic needs so as to sustain life. The problem begins when the government of a country, that still has a large number of people affected by the virus, fails to take care of its citizens.

Since the modern world has not experienced a pandemic of this kind, it is an opportunity for the whole world to measure the health practices and emergency preparedness in their respective countries.

The crisis of ordinary people should not be overlooked. The poor sections of the society believe that their leaders will be taking care of them when situations go beyond their reach.

Let’s hope the fight against the ongoing pandemic is not abandoned by responsible administrations, as there are many waiting for their support, especially those who are unemployed or forced to stay indoors, to get a fresh start to their life.

Ramachandran Nair

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