On the right track - GulfToday

On the right track


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Thanks to the robust vaccination drive and strict implementation of health safety guidelines, the UAE is able to reign in COVID-19. The health ministry and the leadership deserve all credit for the extraordinary feat (“UAE sees no coronavirus deaths for first time in 10 months,” Sept. 2, Gulf Today).

Last Thursday the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) announced that no COVID-19-related deaths have been recorded, making it the first day in 2021 when no virus deaths happened in the UAE. Indeed, it is a remarkable achievement. Probably the UAE will be among just a handful of other countries across the globe, reporting nil coronavirus related deaths.

I have been noticing that there has been a gradual decrease in coronavirus cases in the UAE for a couple of weeks now, with cases dropping below the thousand-mark in the last few days. I am an Indian expat who has been residing in UAE for the last six years. And so while it feels safe to be here, I worry over the rise of cases in India, especially in my hometown, Kerala.

I am in no position to preach from here on what should be done in India, but there could be lessons which the health and regulatory authorities could learn from the UAE’s success in containing the spread of the virus.

The report says that the ministry has thanked all community members for the commitment to precautionary measures in the country and that health experts have urged everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Probably there are two valuable pointers here. One, get vaccinated, and second, thank the organizations and people responsible for the success of the drive.

India has already entered its annual festive season. Hundreds if not thousands gather at religious ceremonies during this time of the year. Such gatherings are perfect breeding ground for the spread of the virus. I hope Indians will learn for their past mistakes and stay safe.

Suja Subramanian — By email

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