A shining legacy never fades - GulfToday

A shining legacy never fades

Aysha Taryam


Editor-in-Chief, Gulf Today News and Media.

Taryam Omran 1

Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan holds talks with Taryam Omran Taryam.

Ten years have passed since you left us, the world has changed drastically since then. Many of the dreams you wished and fought for have been realized. Your pen bled for Arab unity and the preservation of its dignity and since your absence the Arab world has spoken. You spent your nights awake while others slept, weaving works to inspire the people while your days were devoted to your country and shaping its future. Today, your absence is more tangible than ever. There were many moments I wished we could share with you, so many events wished you could witness. I would have loved to see you smile as Arabs everywhere stood up for what you held sacred and made happen what your worlds hoped for.

The UAE misses Taryam Omran the pioneer, the campaigner, the fighter. We, your family, miss Taryam Omran the man, the loving father and compassionate human being. You have left a great legacy behind which this country remains indebted to, but no success is greater than that of the love you managed to garner from every person who has met you. Ten years on we are still showered with praise and admiration from people who knew you. People from all walks of life still mourn your loss as we do and with that, you have made our family even bigger, one that is bound by its collective love for you, and its eternal admiration of the man that is Taryam Omran.

You might no longer be with us but you have never left us. Every day we feel you among us and pray for you, comforted by the fact that you are in a better place. We only hope that we can continue carrying the flame you once lit and keep it shining bright for generations to come.

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