It’s a start - GulfToday

It’s a start

US Supreme Court

Picture used for illustrative purposes only.

It can only happen in America! If only that was true. The conviction of James and Jennifer Crumbley, for the crimes of their son Ethan, and their sentence of 10 to 15 years in prison is a start for parents in taking responsibility for how they raise their children, what they enable, and the consequences that occur.

Even as a teacher I often saw parents who did not take responsibility for their children’s misdemeanours, rudeness, lack of effort or respect and frequently doubted what had happened. These were in reality minor offences of immature youths but the sort of behaviour that will see them lose jobs or friendships.

It should also be pointed out that most parents do a great job raising their children. What we can hope is that we hear more of the positive stories. Remember you are their parent, not their friend and you create the person they are. Be proud when you get it right.

Dennis Fitzgerald,

Melbourne, Australia

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