Gulf Today, Staff Reporter
The local team for emergencies, crises and disasters in Ajman, in coordination with Ajman Police, the Municipality and Planning Department and the Department of Economic Development, shut down two restaurants and a barbershop for not taking the necessary measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
Restaurant staff were not vaccinated.
The two restaurants and the barbershop were closed because workers did not wear masks, gloves and head coverings, and they did not commit to taking the vaccine and conducting periodic checks according to the instructions issued by the competent authorities.
The restaurant was shut for violating COVID guidelines.
The teams called upon the shopkeepers in the emirate to adhere to all preventive measures, and to adhere to the decisions issued to confront the pandemic, limit the spread of the virus and reduce the number of infections, stressing no tolerance in taking firm and strict measures on the violating facilities in this regard, in order to ensure the safety of community members.