Mohammed Yasseen, Staff Reporter
It is evident from the accounts of couples experiencing significant differences that these issues can have a profound impact on their children. The case of 9-year-old Marwan is illustrative of this. Following the separation of his parents, Louay and Maram, and the subsequent legal dispute over alimony, Marwan's childhood was irrevocably altered.
The Dubai Public Prosecution disseminated this account on its Instagram platform as part of an initiative launched by it aimed at enhancing awareness off the public.
It is noteworthy that the names referenced in the account are pseudonyms and not actual names, despite the account's representation of a genuine case.
Maram was solely responsible for the upbringing of Marwan as she was subjected to the neglect of her former husband, Louay, who failed to provide the necessary financial support.
Maram was bearing the financial burden of her son’s education and day-to-day living expenses, and she was optimistic that the judicial system would provide a fair resolution to the ongoing dispute.
As the situation deteriorated, Maram received a notification via her son's school's WhatsApp group, stating that Louay had joined the group, which provoked a strong emotional response from her with feelings of anger and concern.
Without considering the potential consequences, Maram composed a lengthy message within the group, expressing her negative sentiments towards Louay.
She accused him of neglecting his parental obligations and providing inadequate support to Marwan, even following the dissolution of their marriage.
Upon exiting the group, Louay filed a report to the authorities, wherein he alleged that Maram had infringed upon his privacy and uttered insults directed at him in the presence of a considerable number of members.
The Public Prosecution initiated an investigation into the incident and referred Maram to the Misdemeanour Court on charges of violating the privacy of others.
This case illustrates the necessity for caution when using social media, as impulsive actions can result in significant legal ramifications.
The Dubai Public Prosecution encourages couples to pursue amicable resolutions to disputes in order to safeguard the well-being of their children. It also reminds them that unresolved personal issues may have adverse consequences.