Bollywood fans and the film fraternity remembered veteran actor Dilip Kumar on his 100th birth anniversary on Sunday. It was wonderful to read about the legend who changed the face of Indian cinema. Dilip Kumar gave lots of memorable films in his long celebrated career. He was one of the few Indian actors who excelled in every genre he opted to work on. If you see him in “Mughal-E-Azam” you will be astonished at his screen presence, while in “Ganga Jumna” he looked a typical villager.
In “Naya Daur” he looked completely different. He made us laugh in “Gopi,” and “Ram Aur Shyam.” Even in the latter part of his career, he gave amazing films, like “Shakti,” “Karma,” “Kranti” and “Saudagar.” He was a magician. He was an inspiration for many Bollywood stars. Apart from films, he was also respected for being a nice human being. He was a very lovable person. Those who knew him loved him from the bottom of their heart. Such was the charisma of Yusuf Khan. Bollywood and India will remain grateful to Dilip Kumar for his body of work.
Jamshed Hassan,
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