Sharjah’s investment prospects showcased to Mauritian investors - GulfToday

Sharjah’s investment prospects showcased to Mauritian investors


Top officials of both sides during the forum in Sharjah.

The Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in collaboration with the Economic Development Board of the Republic of Mauritius, hosted the Sharjah-Mauritius Business and Investment Forum on Wednesday to foster investment cooperation and explore opportunities between the two nations.

Representatives from UAE companies and over 60 Mauritian companies specialising in key sectors such as industry, tourism, agriculture, logistics, renewable energy, and the blue economy participated in the event.

The forum was attended by Abdullah Sultan Al Owais, Chairman of SCCI; Shaukat Ali Soudhan, Ambassador of Mauritius to the UAE; and Hemraj Ramial CSK, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Board of Mauritius.

Additionally, Mohammad Ahmed Amin Al Awadi, Director-General of Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), and Abdul Aziz Al Shamsi, Assistant Director-General for Communication and Business Sector at SCCI, as well as several department directors, officials from the Chamber, SAIF Zone, and various economic entities in Sharjah were also present.

During the forum, the Sharjah Chamber and the Economic Development Board of Mauritius signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance trade relations and foster mutual cooperation, encouraging business communities in both Sharjah and Mauritius to deepen economic ties.

The MoU aims to facilitate visits and the exchange of trade delegations, as well as coordinate the development and expansion of a commercial network that promotes the flow of business opportunities between the two regions. Additionally, it includes joint initiatives to participate in trade exhibitions, conferences, and forums that are designed to boost investment opportunities.

Al Owais stressed that the forum has been a step in the right direction towards enhancing trade relations and fostering mutual cooperation between the private sectors of Sharjah and Mauritius.

He described the forum as an ideal platform for promoting investment opportunities and advancing bilateral relations towards greater levels of joint investment and economic cooperation.

He further highlighted that the MoU signed during the event holds significant potential benefits for private sector representatives and innovators. Al Owais pointed out that the agreement supports trade and economic cooperation, emphasizing the robust and ongoing relations between the UAE and Mauritius and the continuous efforts by both countries to strengthen and expand their well-established economic ties.

For his part, Shaukat Ali Soudhan emphasized that the business and investment forum between Sharjah and Mauritius establishes an important venue to enhance communication between the business communities in the two countries. It presents available investment opportunities and explores promising areas of cooperation.


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