DCC explores opportunities to drive economic growth for private sector - GulfToday

DCC explores opportunities to drive economic growth for private sector

The DCC meeting in progress in Dubai.

Officials during the meeting in Dubai.

Dubai Chamber of Commerce (DCC), one of the three chambers operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chambers, has successfully hosted the second quarterly roundtable meeting of Business Groups and Councils for 2024.

The meeting of the sector-specific Business Groups and country-specific Business Councils overseen by the chamber attracted representatives from private sector companies operating in the emirate.

The session created a valuable platform to highlight prospects for economic growth and explore the promising opportunities arising for the private sector across diverse industries. Attendees were briefed on the chamber’s latest programmes and initiatives, together with its future plans to drive the success of the private sector and ensure an enabling environment that supports the sustainable growth of businesses in the emirate. Participants discussed ways to enhance the competitiveness of local companies and improve their performance in line with global economic developments.

During the first quarter of 2024, Dubai Chamber of Commerce held 24 meetings with Business Groups and Business Councils, including the inaugural Annual General Meetings of the Polish Business Council and the Qazaqstan Business Council. The chamber also reviewed 33 laws and draft laws in cooperation with Business Groups during Q1 2024, with the resulting recommendations achieving an adoption rate of 45 per cent.

Maha Al Gargawi, Vice President of Business Advocacy at Dubai Chambers, commented: “Advancing the interests of the business community in Dubai remains among our top strategic priorities. We are committed to increasing the private sector’s contribution to Dubai’s economic success story by enhancing the role of Business Groups and Councils in improving the emirate’s favourable business environment, which helps promote the growth of companies across all sectors.”

The Business Groups and Business Councils operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chamber of Commerce ensure the representation of diverse business and economic sectors and are instrumental in facilitating productive dialogue between private sector stakeholders and government entities. Through their activities, these influential bodies work to enhance Dubai’s dynamic business environment, promote public-private partnerships, and drive the success of businesses in the emirate.

Meanwhile Dubai Chambers has successfully hosted three workshops aimed at familiarising the local business community with key aspects of maritime law, data protection, and bounced cheques. The sessions were attended by a total of 226 participants from the private sector in the emirate.

The interactive workshops come as part of Dubai Chambers’ drive to raise awareness on the latest legislative developments impacting different sectors. The sessions were aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of companies operating in Dubai and supporting sustainable business growth by ensuring compliance with laws and regulations and the adoption of best practices.

The UAE Maritime Law workshop provided a comprehensive overview of Federal Decree-Law No. 43 of 2023 on Maritime Law and was organised by Dubai Chambers in cooperation with Al Tamimi & Company. The session explored the legal obligations surrounding various types of Bills of Lading (BoL), including electronic BoLs, together with changes relating to the limitation of liability and the settlement of maritime disputes. Participants also discussed the different categories of marine insurance, legal issues relating to cargo insurance claims, and marine debris removal provisions.

The ‘Data Protection Compliance in Recruitment and Recruitment Practices’ webinar, which was presented in collaboration with Galadari Advocates & Legal Consultants, examined the legal framework for compliance with data protection regulations in the UAE. The online session addressed the impact of data protection and privacy on companies’ handling of recruitment, employee record-keeping, and other human resources-related activities, as well as the transfer of employee data.

Dubai Chambers also organised a webinar on the implications of bounced cheques in cooperation with Clout Law Firm. The workshop sought to clarify the legal responsibilities arising from bounced cheques, in addition to the rights of beneficiaries and means of recourse available to resolve payment disputes.

Dubai Chambers organises regular legal awareness events to support the ability of private sector companies to comply with the latest legislative developments across various sectors, with the goal of enhancing the competitiveness of the local business community.

Meanwhile Dubai Chambers has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) to enhance cooperation, strengthen economic and trade relations, and support the development of partnerships between the business communities in Dubai and Australia.