Bank of Sharjah achieves outstanding performance in the first half of 2024 - GulfToday

Bank of Sharjah achieves outstanding performance in the first half of 2024


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Bank of Sharjah announces its results for the period ended June 30, 2024. The Bank has demonstrated a robust performance, continuing the strong momentum from the start of the year.

The Bank’s net profit increased to Dhs171 million from a loss of Dhs144 million for the same period last year, driven by substantially higher net interest income, stringent credit underwriting, and reduced operating costs. This represents a 233 per cent surge over the previous year, if we exclude the one-time impairment charge incurred in 2023 due to de-linking the Lebanese subsidiary.

The Bank’s exceptional financial results demonstrate the effectiveness of its strategic focus on sustainable growth, with notable improvements in all major performance metrics. This strong performance was driven by an increase in funded and unfunded income.

Net interest income surged by 108 per cent, operating income grew by 34 per cent, and the cost-to-income ratio significantly improved to 40.1 per cent due to adoption of cost discipline measures.

The balance sheet remains robust with a loans-to-deposits ratio of 86.63 per cent, reflecting comfortable liquidity, and strong capitalization with regulatory capital adequacy ratio exceeding 15 per cent, and Tier 1 and CET1 capital ratios around 14 per cent. These positive figures highlight the Bank’s underlying strength, operational efficiency, prudent risk management, and ongoing enhancement of shareholder value.

Commenting on the Bank’s results, Sheikh Mohammed bin Saud Al Qasimi, Chairman of Bank of Sharjah, stated: “We are pleased with our outstanding performance in the first half of 2024, which reflects our commitment to adding value to our customers, supporting our communities, and rewarding our shareholders.”

“Despite the challenging geopolitical situation in the region, the UAE economy has remained resilient and continues to register healthy growth following various economic diversification initiatives that provide consistent impetus for trade, investment, and wealth creation. Bank of Sharjah has entered a new chapter with a new leadership team, focused on building new business streams, expanding our reach across the UAE and the region, and delivering exceptional service to our customers.”

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saud Al Qasimi added: “Our performance in the first half of the year demonstrates the effectiveness of our new strategy, and we look forward to delivering continued growth in the years to come.”

The CEO, Mohamed Khadiri, commented, “2024 has begun exceptionally well for Bank of Sharjah, with the bank achieving a record year-on-year profit.

I am delighted with our stellar performance as we continue to strengthen the bank’s fundamentals. Our outstanding results reaffirm that our new business strategy is on track to deliver sustainable revenue growth, driven by business expansion, operational efficiency, prudent risk management, and talent development.


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