UAE joins BRICS partners to launch Centre for Industrial Competences - GulfToday

UAE joins BRICS partners to launch Centre for Industrial Competences

A grand view of the skyscrapers in Abu Dhabi.

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The UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology on Friday joined its BRICS counterparts on the launch of a Centre for Industrial Competences in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) to support the development of Industrial skills and capabilities.

The declaration was made at the 8th BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting, bringing industry, trade and technology ministries together from the UAE, Russia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, and South Africa. The meeting, chaired by Russia, takes place under the theme of “strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security”.

The centre will promote partnerships within the framework of the New Industrial Revolution (NIR) to identify interests, challenges, and opportunities in the rapidly evolving industrial landscape. In addition, the centre aims to enable industry and the develop industrial skills of its members.

Omar Al Suwaidi, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology commended Russia’s chairmanship of the meeting. He said, “BRICS countries represent almost 45 percent of the world’s population and account for almost a third of the world’s GDP, indicating a significant opportunity for collaborative industrial progress and sustainable development. The UAE is committed to strengthening ties with its global partners to capture mutual economic opportunities, which is a major driver of sustainable development and a means to address major global challenges, such as food security and climate change.”

He added, “The ministry looks forward to contributing to the working groups being created under this partnership and bringing its expertise to the table to develop and enable industrial growth for the mutual benefit of all members.

The declaration includes discussions to create several working groups, including the chemical industry, metals, SMEs, smart manufacturing, clean technology and medical equipment.

Under the declaration, the members emphasised their commitment to cooperating on industrial policy in support of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, including the implementation of green technologies.

In addition, the declaration recognises the role of the PartNIR (Partnership on New Industrial Revolution) Innovation Centre, which focuses on policy coordination, personnel training and project development.

The centre has hosted events such as the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Exhibition, the BRICS Forum on PartNIR, the BRICS Industrial Innovation Contest, and the BRICS Forum on Future Networks Innovation. The signatories also recognised the efforts of the BRICS Startup Forum in supporting start-ups’ projects that play a crucial role in driving innovation and economic growth in the era of the New Industrial Revolution.

The meeting concluded with a review of agreements and decisions made during previous meetings to deepen BRICS cooperation in, industrialisation, innovation, inclusiveness and investment, including the Johannesburg II Declaration of 23rd August 2023.

The delegates extended their support to Brazil for hosting the 9th BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting taking place in 2025.

In August 2023, six new members were invited to join BRICS, including the UAE, which officially joined in January 2024. Forecasts suggest that BRICS could account for 45 percent of the global economy by 2040.

MoC, Abu Dhabi Heritage Authority discuss boosting cooperation: The Ministry of Culture (MoC) held a high-level meeting with the Abu Dhabi Heritage Authority at the Ministry’s office in Abu Dhabi. The meeting focused on exploring cooperation opportunities between both parties to preserve local identity and heritage.

The meeting was attended by Mubarak Al Nakhi, Under-Secretary of the MoC, Abdullah Mubarak Al Muhairi, Acting Director-General of Abu Dhabi Heritage Authority, and other senior officials from both entities.

During the meeting, the attendees discussed various topics, such as enhancing heritage-related publications and monitoring them to ensure compliance with the highest quality standards. They also discussed strengthening cooperation between local sectors and its crucial role in achieving sustainable development.

The attendees also addressed other heritage-related topics, such as setting future strategies for preservation and documentation and boosting external participation to showcase the rich Emirati heritage regionally and internationally. Representatives from both entities presented key initiatives implemented in culture and tangible and intangible heritage enhancement. They also identified cooperation opportunities that contribute to achieving sustainable development goals through cultural and heritage projects and initiatives.

This meeting is a strategic step towards enhancing cooperation between the MoC and Abu Dhabi Heritage Authority to accomplish joint goals and preserve the United Arab Emirates’ cultural heritage. It supports the UAE’s efforts to ensure the sustainability of its heritage for future generations.

Meanwhile, The Abu Dhabi Real Estate Centre (ADREC), the custodian and regulator of Abu Dhabi’s real estate sector, has announced that its Real Estate Dispute Settlement Centre mediated 1,553 real estate disputes in the first half of 2024, demonstrating its efficiency and commitment to maintaining stability in Abu Dhabi’s real estate market.

During this period, the Centre impressively resolved 1,553 out of 1,654 recorded disputes, achieving an outstanding completion rate of 94 percent. This success was facilitated through 4,692 mediation sessions, underscoring the Centre’s unwavering commitment to providing effective and timely dispute resolution services.

In a testament to the Centre’s approach, 28 percent of these disputes were concluded amicably, valued at over AED1.54 billion, highlighting a strong commitment to peaceful and cooperative resolution methods. This emphasis on amicable solutions not only improves the dispute resolution experience but also significantly contributes to the overall growth of Abu Dhabi’s real estate market.


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