Using glass and pieces of her broken home, Palestinian artist Saja Moussa creates art like no other - GulfToday

Using glass and pieces of her broken home, Palestinian artist Saja Moussa creates art like no other


Saja Moussa displays a drawing she did on a piece of glass.

Niloufar Saleem, Gulf Today


Art has no boundaries.


Even for the young Palestinian artist, Saja, who uses what, is left of her, once beautiful home, as a canvas for her artwork.


Walking across the dust and rubble of what was once her family home in Rafah refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip, the young Palestinian artist, Saja, picks and chooses her canvas from broken glass pieces for her artwork.


gaza2The artist's work has moved those concerned about events in the Gaza Strip.


The artist finds solace in making masterpieces using all things broken as if to convey a message of hope to those silently watching the destruction her people are facing.


28-year-old Saja, like many others in Gaza, lost her family home to airstrikes in the region.


She and her family helplessly watched her home being brought down to rubble, leaving a painful lump in everyone's throat.


gaza3Saja's creativity continues amid damage and destruction in her area.


The house was damaged last month during an 11-day war.

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