Glamorous styles by Arwa Hamed on Cannes’ Red Carpet - GulfToday

Glamorous styles by Arwa Hamed on Cannes’ Red Carpet

Celebrity beauty and fashion influencer Arwa Hamed “RORA” dazzled both critics and audience during her latest participation at the common and private events and activities of Cannes Film Festival that took place during the month of May

Arwa Hamed who was linked to several reports nominating her to play a role in a new part of a movie that speaks about the lifestyle of Dubai’s rich and famous, and more reports about her participation in the Morex D’or as a presenter of such prestigious event after her remarkable success of the earlier version of this festival, she prefers to stay focused on her steps as a perfectionist who takes extra car of all the details related to her appearances, looks, styles and especially her career journey.

Fashion critics and fans selected top three looks of Arwa to be among the best during the latest edition of Cannes

The first dress was by MIKAELD glamorous, sparkling and shining in beauty, jewels by Helena Joy, where Rora attended the AMFAR private event.

The red carpet dress was by Geyana Younes, and it was a perfect reflection of Rora’s elegance and charm as she walked that red carpet jewels by Helena Joy once again for such a prestigious night and top class appearance.

The third look in a black dress by Ali Karoui was yet again a stunning representation of her classy choices and attention to details as the dress was the highlight of that night at the WIBA event that honored the world’s top influencers at several domains

Social media platforms as well as photographer’s lenses were kept busy each time Rora appears before them, as she preferred to skip any reply to reporters on her future weather on the movies part of her career or the upcoming events, preferring to enjoy and stay focused on her participation at Cannes, leaving actions to speak louder than words.


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