Beating the heat with books: A novel initiative sprouts in Chennai - GulfToday

Beating the heat with books: A novel initiative sprouts in Chennai


A collection of books placed on a colourful sheet in Chitlapakkam, Chennai.

R. Ramesh

Forget Netflix and chill! In Chennai's bustling Chitlapakkam, a group is taking a decidedly more literary approach to their mornings. Forget the "dying" book reading habit, this lakeside initiative is a testament to the enduring power of the printed word – with a dash of sunshine and a sprinkle of community spirit.

Picture this: The morning Chennai sun beats down harshly, but a gentle breeze still manages to weave through the leaves of the trees surrounding the Chitlapakkam lake amphitheatre. Birds chirp a morning melody, a soundtrack momentarily competing with the city's hum.

Despite the humid onslaught, a motley crew sits engrossed in the worlds crafted by literary masters, beads of sweat a testament to the relentless summer. A Game of Thrones here, a Jeffrey Archer masterpiece there, and a sprinkle of Tamil classics for good measure. This isn't a scene from a book fair, but a vibrant new initiative called "Lake Reads" that's proving bookworms bloom even in the hottest of climates.

"Who said the book reading habit is dying?" I chuckled to myself, interrupting Arvind Balasubramanian, a resident deeply immersed in his chosen tome.  "We started this programme to keep the love for reading alive, and the response has been phenomenal," he enthused, his eyes sparkling with a bookworm's delight.

Tamil-Nadu-roadside-library-Ramesh1-750x450A motley crew sits engrossed in the worlds crafted by literary masters.

The twist? This open-air library thrives on community spirit. Every Saturday, from 6 am to 9 am, the lakeside transforms into a haven for bibliophiles. The concept is delightfully simple: a colourful sheet spread out, a constantly evolving collection of books brought in by participants themselves. You pick a title that piques your interest, lose yourself in its pages, and then leave it behind for the next curious mind to discover.

"It's a fantastic way to unwind and learn something new," shared Gouri Raman, a retired Tamil teacher and a regular participant. "The mix of genres and languages caters to everyone, and the fresh air adds a whole new dimension to the reading experience."

As I chatted with the diverse group, I discovered visitors hailing from nearby locations like Tambaram, Hastinapuram, and even Pallavaram. Age seemed like a mere number here, with young students and seasoned professionals equally captivated by the literary offerings.

"The weather might be fiery," quipped one young reader, "but the stories are even hotter!" quickly adding, “not in the wrong sense.”

With the Chennai summer showing signs of relenting, the Lake Reads community is poised to expand. As the famous American author Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers." 

So, the next time you're in Chitlapakkam, skip the usual Saturday routine and head to the lake. Escape the summer heat and dive into a captivating story. You might just discover a hidden world within the pages of a book, and a vibrant community that thrives on the simple pleasure of reading, sharing, and forging connections – all under the open sky.

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