Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor took to social media to share the last few selfies of the year. Taking to her Instagram handle, the ‘Jab We Met’ actress shared a couple of photos, giving a glimpse into her fun-filled mood as she wrapped up the year. Along with the pictures, Kareena added a caption that read, “Can’t stop, won’t stop... last few selfies of the year. See you on the flip side.” In the selfies, Kareena can be seen flaunting her signature style and playful expressions, making her fans swoon over her effortless charm.
In the first image, she is wearing a black jacket paired with stylish black sunglasses. In the shot, she is also seen flaunting her huge diamond ring. Other candid shots show Kareena striking different poses for the camera, and in one of the clicks, she is seen making a pout. The actress had earlier shared heartwarming moments of her sons, Taimur and Jeh, enjoying a fun day of skiing. She posted a playful photo of Taimur happily skiing down a snowy slope, dressed in a cozy winter outfit. The little one looked thrilled as he effortlessly glided on the snow. Proud mom Kareena snapped pictures of her son with a big smile, proudly watching him take on the sport.
Sharing the image, Kareena wrote, “Mera Beta” along with a red heart emoji. She captioned the next follow-up post, “Don’t ask me if I ski! I take my son’s picture, someone needs to.” Kareena also gave a glimpse into her intimate Christmas celebration, showcasing heartwarming moments with her family, including husband Saif Ali Khan and their sons, Taimur and Jeh. For the past few years, the couple has made it a tradition to celebrate the festive season in this special way, and this year was no different.
In the caption, Kareena admitted that she had been so caught up in the festivities with her loved ones that she didn’t get a chance to post earlier but wanted to share the moment. The post was captioned, “Sorry, was too busy enjoying my day, love, and happiness. People keep searching for magic.”
Kareena Kapoor is a prolific leading lady of Hindi cinema since 2000, she is noted for her roles in a range of film genres — from romantic comedies to crime dramas. Kapoor is the recipient of several awards, including six Filmfare Awards, and as of 2024, is one of Hindi cinema’s highest-paid actresses. Born into the Kapoor family, she is the daughter of actors Babita and Randhir Kapoor, and the younger sister of actress Karisma Kapoor. After making her acting debut in 2000 in Refugee, Kapoor established herself the following year with several roles, including in the top-grossing drama Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham.... This was followed by a series of commercial failures and negative reviews for her repetitive roles. An against-type performance as a sex worker in the 2004 drama Chameli marked a turning point in her career. Her performance as a loquacious woman in the romantic comedy Jab We Met (2007) earned her the Filmfare Award for Best Actress.