Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor has showcased her new look with a shorter hairstyle with fringes. The actress took to her Instagram, where she shared two pictures of herself looking like a doll. The first photograph had the actress taking a mirror selfie at the salon after getting freshly cut hair. The next photograph was of Shraddha taking an elevator selfie. In the picture, the actress, who sported a denim shirt paired with dark blue pants and a Bottega Veneta tote bag, is seen smiling as she took a picture of her new look.
For the caption, she wrote: “Baal baal jach gayi.” Last month, Shraddha shared a major throwback video featuring all her 2024 moments. The video showed the actress enjoying some lip-smacking food, posing in front of a mic during a recording session, celebrating Holi with her friends, and enjoying the company of her loved ones. She wrote in the caption, “Koi mat bolna ke late aaya post, Christmas aur New Year ke beech mein sab maaf hai. Feb + Mar ‘24 throwback”. Earlier, the actress attended the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Finale Race 2024. The event was a highlight on the global sporting calendar, and is known for attracting celebrities and fans from all over the world. Shraddha joined an illustrious lineup of past attendees, including Priyanka Chopra Jonas and global names like Naomi Campbell and Orlando Bloom.
Shraddha’s presence at the Grand Prix brings a uniquely Indian flair to the event, which is famous for hosting an eclectic mix of sports and entertainment icons. For Shraddha, this appearance is another milestone in a year that has further cemented her status as Bollywood’s favourite star. With over 94.2 million followers on Instagram, her connection with fans transcends the screen, making her one of the most adored figures in the Indian entertainment industry.
Meanwhile, 2024 has been an incredible year for Shraddha, as “Stree 2” raced ahead of the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer “Jawan” to become the biggest hit in Hindi cinema before it was beaten by the Allu Arjun-starrer “Pushpa 2: The Rule.” On the work front, the actress will reportedly star in the next installment of the “Dhoom” franchise alongside actor Ranbir Kapoor, with whom she worked in the 2023 film “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar”.
Meanwhile, Shraddha hilariously had shared that her mother gave “theplas” in tiffin for her trip to the Red Sea Film Festival last month.
Shraddha took to Instagram, where she shared a video capturing the actress in stunning ensembles during her trip. A fan of Punjabi music, she added the song “Aaye Haaye” by Karan Aujla as the background score. “Mummy ne thepla pack kiye the tiffin mein jab foreign gayi,” she wrote. In other news, Shraddha put all breakup rumours to an end as she shared a post for her rumoured beau Rahul Mody. Shraddha took to her Instagram stories, where she shared a picture of her fun outing with Mody, which involves gorging on vada pavs. The picture has reignited speculations about their relationship.
Indo-Asian News Service