Bollywood actress Ananya Panday hilariously trolled her actor-father Chunky Panday on his wedding anniversary with wife Bhavna. Chunky took to Instagram, where he uploaded a string of pictures with wife Bhavna, daughters Ananya and Rysa from their vacations in international locations. He captioned the post: “Happy Happy Anniversary to the one that I Love @bhavanapandey.”
However, it was Ananya’s funny comment that caught the eyes of many users. She wrote: “Always the worst pictures always.” Actor Sanjay Kapoor wrote: “Well done”. Bhavna’s best friends Maheep Kapoor and Seema Sajdeh commented: “Happy anniversary.” Earlier this month, Ananya flew off to Bangkok, Thailand for a getaway. She revealed through her post that she will be making a stop in Bangkok only for 48 hours.
She had also visited the Golden Temple during her visit to Amritsar along with her mother Bhavana Pandey and sister Rysa. She shared an array of pictures standing in the Golden Temple with joined hands. In another photograph, the “Liger” actress can be seen standing in front of the Gurudwara with closed eyes and an image of herself relishing the delicious chole bhature and lassi during her Punjab visit. Posing in a white floral suit with a pink dupatta, the actress captioned the post, “Sabr. Shukr. Simran. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.”
On the work front, Ananya Panday has been roped in to play the lead in Akshay Kumar and R Madhavan’s next. Produced by Dharma Productions, the yet-to-be titled drama will be directed by Karan Singh Tyagi. The project will be based on the life of the acclaimed lawyer C Sankaran Nair, who fought a legal battle against the British empire back in the 1920s. She will also work on other projects including “Chand Mera Dil”. She will be seen sharing screen space with ‘Kill’ actor Lakshya. The project will be made under the direction of Vivek Soni. Furthermore, the actress will also be seen reprising her role as Bella Chowdhary in the second season of the laughter ride “Call Me Bae”.
Meanwhile, the southern California fires have crippled the Hollywood with many celebrities evacuating their houses as the fires continue to ravage through Los Angeles. Ananya Panday’s cousin Alanna Panday too finds herself facing the odds. Alanna recently took to her Instagram, and shared a note about how she and her family had to cut short their ski trip after finding out about the fires. She said that they packed all their stuff hurriedly, and how it pained her to see the place, which was a huge part of her life, being gutted in the fires. She wrote, “What’s been happening these past few days. We left our ski trip early after finding out about the fires. We drove into LA through clouds of smoke rushing home to pack our lives into a few suitcases or whatever fit into the back of our car. The thought about evacuating with our entire life back in this house and potentially coming back to a pile of dust was gut wrenching”.
Indo-Asian News Service