Coldplay singer Chris Martin and ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ actress Dakota Johnson are currently in India. Recently, the diva was seen seeking blessings at the famous Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai. However, she was not alone, Dakota Johnson was accompanied by the Bollywood actress Sonali Bendre. In the video doing rounds on social media, the ‘Madame Web’ actress was seen covered in a saffron veil, a crucial symbol of the Hindu culture. Prior to this, Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson prayed at the iconic Shri Babulnath Temple in Mumbai. Embracing the Indian customs, the actress was seen looking gorgeous in a printed cotton suit with a dupatta draped over her head. On the other hand, the musician opted for a pastel blue kurta, paired with a sacred Rudraksha mala. During their visit to the temple, Dakota Johnson was seen whispering a prayer into Nandi’s ear. It is believed that if one whispers their wishes in Nandi’s ears they tend to come true. Following their temple visit, Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson were seen oozing charm in casual attires. While the singer went for black pants, paired with white sneakers, and a graphic baseball cap, the actress was seen donning a black tank midi dress paired with sneakers and a sweater tied at her waist.
Their recent visit to India has also put to rest the rumors that Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson had parted ways after being together for several years. For the unversed, these two have been together since 2017. They were even seen stepping out of the Babulnath Temple holding hands. Meanwhile, speculations of a split between the lovebirds have been doing rounds for some time now. Back in early 2024, speculation was rift that the couple had undergone a secret breakup. Meanwhile, another set of reports pointed towards a long-standing engagement. Dakota Johnson’s representatives repeatedly denied any such claims, whereas Chris Martin stressed the importance of maintaining privacy in one’s romantic life during an interview.
Dakota Johnson is an American actress. The daughter of actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, Johnson made her film debut at age ten with a minor role in Crazy in Alabama (1999), directed by her then-stepfather Antonio Banderas, and also starring her mother. After graduating from high school, she began auditioning for roles and had a minor part in The Social Network (2010). Johnson had a leading breakout role for the erotic film series Fifty Shades (2015 — 2018). In 2016, she received a BAFTA Rising Star Award nomination and was featured in a Forbes 30 Under 30 list.
Her profile grew with roles in the crime drama Black Mass (2015), the drama A Bigger Splash (2015), the romantic comedy How to Be Single (2016), the horror film Suspiria (2018), the thriller Bad Times at the El Royale (2018), the coming-of-age film The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019), the psychological drama The Lost Daughter (2021), and the romantic drama Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022). She also produced the last of these under her company TeaTime Pictures. Johnson has since played the title role in Madame Web (2024).
Coldplay singer Chris Martin and ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ actress Dakota Johnson are currently in India. Recently, the diva was seen seeking blessings at the famous Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai. However, she was not alone, Dakota Johnson was accompanied by the Bollywood actress Sonali Bendre. In the video doing rounds on social media, the ‘Madame Web’ actress was seen covered in a saffron veil, a crucial symbol of the Hindu culture. Prior to this, Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson prayed at the iconic Shri Babulnath Temple in Mumbai. Embracing the Indian customs, the actress was seen looking gorgeous in a printed cotton suit with a dupatta draped over her head. On the other hand, the musician opted for a pastel blue kurta, paired with a sacred Rudraksha mala. During their visit to the temple, Dakota Johnson was seen whispering a prayer into Nandi’s ear. It is believed that if one whispers their wishes in Nandi’s ears they tend to come true. Following their temple visit, Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson were seen oozing charm in casual attires. While the singer went for black pants, paired with white sneakers, and a graphic baseball cap, the actress was seen donning a black tank midi dress paired with sneakers and a sweater tied at her waist.
Their recent visit to India has also put to rest the rumors that Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson had parted ways after being together for several years. For the unversed, these two have been together since 2017. They were even seen stepping out of the Babulnath Temple holding hands. Meanwhile, speculations of a split between the lovebirds have been doing rounds for some time now. Back in early 2024, speculation was rift that the couple had undergone a secret breakup. Meanwhile, another set of reports pointed towards a long-standing engagement. Dakota Johnson’s representatives repeatedly denied any such claims, whereas Chris Martin stressed the importance of maintaining privacy in one’s romantic life during an interview.
Dakota Johnson is an American actress. The daughter of actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, Johnson made her film debut at age ten with a minor role in Crazy in Alabama (1999), directed by her then-stepfather Antonio Banderas, and also starring her mother. After graduating from high school, she began auditioning for roles and had a minor part in The Social Network (2010). Johnson had a leading breakout role for the erotic film series Fifty Shades (2015 — 2018). In 2016, she received a BAFTA Rising Star Award nomination and was featured in a Forbes 30 Under 30 list.
Her profile grew with roles in the crime drama Black Mass (2015), the drama A Bigger Splash (2015), the romantic comedy How to Be Single (2016), the horror film Suspiria (2018), the thriller Bad Times at the El Royale (2018), the coming-of-age film The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019), the psychological drama The Lost Daughter (2021), and the romantic drama Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022). She also produced the last of these under her company TeaTime Pictures. Johnson has since played the title role in Madame Web (2024).