Actress Manushi Chhillar recently revealed her all-time favourite dish, which is lovingly prepared by her mom. The former Miss World hosted an interactive “Ask Me Anything” session on her Instagram, where she shared insights into her favourite actors, skincare routine, and even disclosed her mom’s special dish. When asked about the dish that only her mom prepares for her, Manushi revealed, “Her Rajma Chawal and her Kheer, and honestly, her everything.”
The “Samrat Prithviraj” actress also shared that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Madhuri Dixit are her favourite actors who inspire her. When discussing her skincare regimen, Manushi mentioned, “AM: Honey wash, serum, sunscreen. PM: Cleansing balm, cleanser, serum, eye gel, and moisturizer.” One fan asked if she missed being a student, to which Manushi responded, “I am still a student, just in a different field. I don’t think I can ever stop being a student; it always came naturally to me.”
Meanwhile, Manushi began the New Year on a spiritual note by seeking blessings at the Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai. Manushi visited the temple to offer her prayers and start 2025 with positivity. She also shared her images from her visit on her Instagram handle and wrote in the caption, “First post of 2025.” In the images, the “Samrat Prithviraj” actress stands with folded hands as she offers her prayers. A pandit is also seen applying tilak on her forehead.
In her previous post, the actress shared a heartwarming reflection on the year gone by, calling it “the most beautiful ending to an incredible year.” She expressed how 2024 was filled with countless moments to celebrate, but nothing could match the joy she experienced with her close friends.
From dancing and singing to competing in a pageant and laughing together, the memories they created were truly special. Manushi also extended her gratitude to Akshay Kumar, thanking him for bringing everyone together for an unforgettable experience. She captioned the post, “The most beautiful ending to an incredible year.
While 2024 had lots to celebrate, nothing can match the fun I had with these girls We danced, we sang, we competed at a pageant and we laughed louder than ever!!! Thank you @akshaykumar sir for bringing us all together.”
On the professional front, she made her acting debut in the historical drama “Samrat Prithviraj,” where she portrayed the courageous and determined princess Sanyogita alongside Akshay Kumar. Following her successful debut, Manushi went on to star in several projects, including “Operation Valentine,” “The Great Indian Family,” and “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,” showcasing her versatility as an actress.
Looking ahead, Manushi is set to star in the highly anticipated thriller “Tehran,” directed by debutant Arun Gopalan.
Indo-Asian News Service