Arts and crafts fiesta hosted by art firm CreaSHions at DIAC
18 Feb 2025
Shilpi Dutta is Co-Founder of CreaSHions and participants at the event.
Muhammad Yusuf, Features Writer
Boutique art firm CreaSHions curated an art and crafts event, Valentine’s Fiesta (Feb. 13 – 15), at Dubai International Art Centre (DIAC) located in Jumeirah, Dubai. The Fiesta was the 10th exhibition curated by CreaSHions and their second event themed on festivity, at the prestigious venue. The show brought artists, exhibitors and visitors onto a lively platform in the artistic ambience of DIAC. The exhibition featured not only paintings, but also hosted a range of stalls, exhibiting creative objet d’art and savories such as accessories, apparel, plant art, hand crafted items, home decor, food items and more.
The common thread binding the participants was their sincere display of creativity and artistic fervour. Visitors found the exhibition unique in terms of the variety of contents and offerings, while exhibitors found the occasion rewarding and satisfying. The event added to the list of many collaborations between CreaSHions and DIAC; they complement each other in the field of art and creativity. Organiser Shilpi Dutta, Co-Founder of CreaSHions, said that the idea was to create a positive, happy and festive mood in an attractive locale, making use of the enjoyable weather, and centering around creativity.
The works of local artists were showcased; it gave them an opportunity to present their talent and network in the art circles of Dubai, which is emerging as a global cultural epicenter. Shilpi said that “it gives us immense pleasure and satisfaction to have achieved recognition and positive appraisal from the elite circle of art connoisseurs and make a positive impact on the art lovers of Dubai, within a short span of time. Every event that we plan and organise, has the common purpose of giving opportunity to the young and local talent pool of UAE-based artists and so far, each one of our events has been accepted very well. The accolades and positive feedback that we received for this event is a testimony to our success.
A decorated horse.
“I would like to thank our venue partner, DIAC, who have been consistently doing a great job of promoting art in Dubai tirelessly over decades and supporting endeavours by art firms such as ours, by providing a much needed platform. We are also ever grateful to our honourable and esteemed guests who always bless us by gracing every occasion with their presence.” The three day event saw more than two hundred guests visiting the exhibition.
Marked by a grand inauguration ceremony on February 13, the Fiesta was well received by art lovers of UAE, with laudable enthusiasm and energy. The exhibition showcased about twenty paintings and twenty display stalls displaying a variety of art related products. Distinguished dignitaries and guests who graced the inauguration ceremony included Sultana Farouq Kazim; Laila Rahhal El Aftani; Ahmed Al Awadhi Rukni; Anjini Prakash Laitu; Kusum Dutta; Babli Singh; Tessy Koshy and Sijin Gopinathan.
Participating artists and crafts people were Perihan Marwan Kamal; Jyoti Singla; Radha Bhatia; Reena Dhiman; Khadija Noor; Neema Rajesh; Smita Lahiri; Tiger Begum; Shivani Gokani; Nihad Ekhlas; Jignasha Modi; Neha Raheja; Minakshi Karn; Sofia Kaur; Jignyasa Patel; Vasanthi Kannan; Deeksha Handa; Ramya Sethuram; Gayathrie Kuppuswamy; Lakshmi S. Mantri; Arti Patalia; and Shohre Hadavand.
A brightly coloured painting and desert roses on the wall.
Couturiers Tiger Begum, led by Prarthana, Pooja and Chandni, offered dresses they brought to the exhibition. The dresses, hung optimally to bring out their beauty to best effect, gently blew in the breeze. It was as though nature herself was promoting the display. Sofia Kaur’s enchanting gemstones and accessories drew great attention. Kaur presented the products, both in finished and uncut forms. “These stones are being shown in the form they were mined,” she said, pointing to one box.
Self-taught artist Perihan Marwan finds her inspiration in Nature. She showed her works, which ranged in size from the miniature to the medium and large. Her butterfly paintings were specially noteworthy. Lita Mathews, who is also a teacher at DIAC, was the go to person for those whose jewellery needed repair. Her table was packed with instruments needed for mending jewellery. Artist Khadija Noor pointed out the desert rose she had painted.
“CreaSHions looks forward to continuing their journey to bring together artists and art lovers of Dubai and the UAE, through similar events and exhibitions in future,” said Shilpi. The mission of the art firm is to promote local talents, by providing a platform for excellence. CreaSHions deal in artworks and handicrafts (paintings, folk arts and sustainable handicrafts), have done art exhibitions in collaboration with different art galleries of Dubai and so far have curated exhibitions displaying artwork of 50+ artists. It has participated in World Art Dubai and other art festivals in Dubai. CreaSHions have also designed sets for professional stage dramas in Dubai, events which were attended by 200+ audience.
CreaSHions also provides art consultancy for interior spaces, art products for home decor, hospitality sector and commercial offices. They provide customised paintings and sustainable handicraft products from the CreaSHions brand and offer special art decor of feature walls. In a short span of about five years from inception, the firm has made a mark in the art circles of Dubai. Each event and exhibition organised by it has attempted to be unique, different and innovative, whether in terms of the themes chosen, or the method of showcasing displays. Above all, CreaSHions strives to create a positive, cohesive and inclusive ambience, conducive to art making. Participants in its events have hailed from diverse nationalities, imparting a genuine cosmopolitan touch to the brand.