Joanna Lumley suggests wartime-like rationing to save the planet - GulfToday

Joanna Lumley suggests wartime-like rationing to save the planet

Joanna Lumley 1

Joanna Lumley poses for a photograph.

Gulf Today Report

Actress Joanna Lumley has suggested that “legislation” and a “system of rationing” could help tackle the climate crisis.

Speaking to Radio Times, the 75-year-old actor, who has campaigned against single-use plastic for years, said that “these are tough times, and I think there’s got to be legislation”.


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“That was how the war was – stuff was rationed – and at some stage I think we might have to go back to some kind of system of rationing, where you’re given a certain number of points and it’s up to you how to spend them, whether it’s buying a bottle of whisky or flying in an aeroplane,” Lumley said.

She also claimed that “people have got to think a bit harder” when it comes to doing their bit for the environment.

“Maybe more of our holidays should be at home or taking trains, and not hopping on a plane to Magaluf for the weekend,” she said.

“Every plastic bottle you don’t buy, every piece of litter you pick up, every piece of meat you don’t eat, every small thing counts.”

Fans have reacted to the actor’s thoughts by criticising her for constantly flying around the world for her job.

While many supported Lumley’s way of thinking, she was accused by some of hypocrisy due her work on various travel shows, including ones set in Japan, India and Egypt.

“The idea of rationing to help climate has merit,” one person tweeted. “However, Joanna Lumley has travelled all around the UK for [a] new show, and is now working in Berlin. It’s the richest one per cent that do the damage, focus there. We should ration celebrities.”

“She’s lived 75 privileged years. Now she wants ordinary folk’s lives subject to [Second World War]-style control and rationing? Nice one, Jo,” a person wrote.

Another added: “Utter nonsense but playing neatly into Boris Johnson’s love of wartime rhetoric.”

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