FAME King Sheeraz Hasan expands his reach opening Dubai.News in Hollywood - GulfToday

FAME King Sheeraz Hasan expands his reach opening Dubai.News in Hollywood

Gulf Network

As a part of his expansion plan to conquer more territories and propagate his influence FAME King Sheeraz, the world's only FAME strategist has expanded by foraying into news media with the launch of a news site Dubai.News in Hollywood.

This venture, headquartered at the epicenter of entertainment on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood, California marks the first time that Dubai's dynamic developments are reported DAILY all for the American audience.

In addition, the strategic location is one that is frequented by luminaries of multi-billion dollar enterprises like Elon Musk, and many other Hollywood A-Listers Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Zendaya, and many more. Furthermore, Dubai News shares its prestigious locale with media giants such as Netflix and Amazon, symbolizing its influential footprint in the industry. All these inevitably skyrocket Dubai.News' recall, further indelibly planting it in every Americanś consciousness.

Dubai.news is poised to rapidly gain recognition for its insightful coverage of various worldwide headlining events as they happen real-time through in-depth reporting and exclusive interviews with industry leaders and influential Movers and Shakers of both the Middle East and Hollywood. Likewise, it becomes key resource for news, analysis, and feature stories, establishing a dynamic dialogue between these two vibrant entertainment hubs.

Dubai.News stands alone in delivering comprehensive and in-depth updates on the UAE's vibrant sectors, including tourism, technology, AI, web3, real estate, business, and tourism, straight to the American public. This is possible through a careful and meticulous selection process to build a team of credible journalists - all dedicated to put the spotlight on Dubai's meteoric rise to fame and power.

The inception of Dubai.News as part of a well-thought-out expansion plan to bring Dubai to Hollywood happens to be aligned to with His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum's visionary plan for 2040 aimed to attract 7.1 million residents to Dubai. By targeting the American market, Dubai.News effectively educates Americans on unlimited prospects that await them in the UAE.

Through entertaining, yet unbiased and truthful reporting, Dubai.News is set to transform the way Americans perceive and engage with Dubai, clearly making it a conduit for cultural and economic exchange. It adds a powerful new chapter in global storytelling destined to reshape the narrative of Dubai and the UAE on the American stage.

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