Turkmenistan seeks to boost cultural ties with UAE - GulfToday

Turkmenistan seeks to boost cultural ties with UAE


Turkmenistan is looking forward to host the Emirati Cultural Days again.

Turkmenistan is looking forward to host the Emirati Cultural Days again, said Bakhargul Abdyeva, Deputy Prime Minister who is also in charge of culture and mass media.

She made her remarks during a meeting with the UAE Ambassador to Turkmenistan, Hassan Abdullah Al Adhab, on the sidelines of a ceremony to celebrate the Independence Day of Turkmenistan.

She praised the UAE-Turkmenistan’s ties as ‘’ good and strong’’.

Ambassador Al Adhab said the Emirati Cultural Days reflect the depth of distinguished bilateral ties and help people share and exchange cultural values.

Recently, Hassan Abdullah Al Adhab met Rachid Meredov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, on the sidelines of an international meeting held at the ministry.

The meeting was held under the theme, ‘’Cooperation between the United Nations and the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea”.

In a separate development, a recent report said Dubai Culture & Arts Authority (Dubai Culture), the Emirate’s dedicated entity for culture, arts and heritage, was preparing to launch its Traditional Handicrafts Strategy. The announcement predates the Safeguarding Emirati Cultural Heritage Forum.

This launch aligns with Dubai Culture’s Five-Year 2021 Sectoral Strategy, as it lays the foundation for strengthening the social fabric in the UAE, by preserving traditional handicrafts and ensuring their sustainability. The Strategy builds on a comprehensive vision to establish Dubai as a leader in creativity, innovation, and happiness, in line with the Five-Year Sectoral Plan, while developing the traditional handicraft sector and encouraging young people to get involved in it. For this, Dubai Culture has made tireless efforts to promote the handicraft sector and highlight the importance of preserving cultural heritage, by working in unison with government and non-government entities, at local and federal levels, and effectively transferring knowledge to further grow and develop the handicraft sector, both culturally, socially and economically. Saeed Al Nabouda, Acting Director General at Dubai Culture, said, “Dubai’s leadership gives special attention to cultural heritage, particularly traditional handicrafts, by providing the needed resources and legislative infrastructure for these creative sectors to flourish.

The establishment of Dubai Culture was the first step towards achieving this objective. To develop the legislative infrastructure and bolster the traditional handicraft industry, relevant laws and regulations were put in place. These regulations have helped in activating cultural and heritage assets and developing public policies, plans, and programmes. It has also enabled coordination of roles within relevant entities, thereby promoting heritage events and fueling younger generation’s interest in heritage.”

In another development, a recent report said The Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi, DCT Abu Dhabi, was organising a programme of interactive educational events at different cultural sites in Al Ain.

Until 23rd June, different workshops for school students will be held at Qasr Al Muwaiji. Primary level students will be able to participate in the Colour Printing and Educational Box sessions, to enhance their artistic skills and acquire deeper cultural knowledge.

Intermediate level students will be able to participate in a larger number of workshops, these will include: an introduction to Sadu, a traditional weaving craft included on Unesco’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Khanjar (dagger) session will see students creating a version of this traditional tool and weapon out of aluminium foil, and the Tekkiye workshop will teach the skill of colouring textiles. In addition, the Falcon Burqa session offers the chance to design falcon masks using paper and leather.

Al Qattara Arts Centre is also hosting the ‘Young Archaeologist’ programme, which will be held until 17th March. The two-week event featured hands-on workshops with the aim to raise awareness about archaeology, and the tools used to dig, clean, and renovate antiquities.


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