Five accused of alcohol abuse, adultery - GulfToday

Five accused of alcohol abuse, adultery


The photo has been used for illustrative purposes.

Amir Al Sonny, Ehab Atta, Mahmoud Muhsen, Staff Reporters

The Fujairah Court of Cassation on Tuesday looked into the case in which five Africans, including two women were accused of adultery, other indecent acts and abuse of alcohol.

The details of the case date back to the time when the main defendant and the second one met with the fourth and fifth defendants (the two women) and headed to an apartment, where they had sex and abused alcohol.

The two women were also charged with unlawfully working under visit visa. They came to the country to look for work but worked on the visit visa in violation of the law. While the third defendant remained illegal in the country after his visit visa had expired. But, he denied the charge attributed claiming that the sponsor was the one who kept him in the country despite his attempts to allow him to return home.

In  another case, The Dubai Criminal Court on Tuesday heard a case in which two Arabs were charged with possessing around 50 kilogrammes of amphetamine.

According to Dubai Public Prosecution’s investigations, the Anti-narcotic Department at Dubai Police received a tip-off that one of the defendants possessed a quantity of drugs for abuse and peddling. A date was set between an undercover agent and the defendant. The defendant asked the agent to get a vehicle to bring the drugs in and the police provided the agent with the required vehicle.

The defendant and the agent moved to Sharjah and stopped in a place where the second defendant was supposed to meet them and bring two bags of drugs.

The place was raided and the two defendants were arrested after they attempted to run away. Some 16 kilograms of amphetamine were seized in the first bag and around 34 kilograms in the other.

In yet another case, an Arab driver, in his sixties, sustained minor injuries in a traffic accident caused by lack of concentration and sudden swerving on Buhaira Corniche in Sharjah.

According to the official records, the operations room at Sharjah Police received a report at 12:15pm on Monday that a vehicle overturned near the Central Market roundabout on Buhaira Corniche in Sharjah.

Traffic patrols and national ambulance rushed to the scene of the accident where they found out that the driver’s lack of concentration caused the vehicle to swerve suddenly and overturn. The driver sustained minor injuries and was given on-site medical treatment.

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