Parents voice concern over kids’ behaviour - GulfToday

Parents voice concern over kids’ behaviour


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Shamila Jamaluddin, Staff Reporter

Schools have reopened and parents have a new worry plaguing them, which sends them into panic mode: their children’s sorry behaviour in the classroom. Parents have a thin time trying to tackle the thick of such deportment.

Students getting naughty during their break time when the teacher is away is a worrisome issue for most mothers of higher grade students in private schools. Students going out of control when let free in a classroom is an issue that educators have been tackling for ages.

Parents agree however you discipline your wards they tend to behave differently when they are out with friends and classmates, especially when out of teachers’ and parents’ view.

Mothers of higher grade students, boys of Grade 8 upwards, find themselves up a gum tree. They told Gulf Today, “We are tense while sending them to school. Frequently someone gets hurt. Especially the unruly behaviour comes out once the teacher goes out of the class or during their lunch breaks when the children are left alone to themselves.”

There have been several incidents in the capital (names of students and schools have been withheld on request). Gulf Today learnt that the behaviour of some students of private schools has prompted their peers to return home with a complaint or two.

However, one parent quipped, “No need to get worried, if students are advised to play safe. Everyone should be careful while playing in the classroom, not pulling chairs and tables. All moms should strictly tell their children to behave or avoid the company of naughty children when they get unruly.”

Another parent added, “Boys shouldn’t be left alone in the class without a teacher, not even during their break time. There should be a nanny or a male attendant watching over them. Children get unruly when left alone. God save these naughty children, they need constant advice from parents, which is very important.”

Some of the comments from parents of Grade Nine students – “Please ask the boys to be careful;” “Very tense to send them to school;” “We are also thinking of calling the class teacher regarding this;” “They will be naughty, but they shouldn’t play unruly games.”

One parents advises, “Boys if you see anyone up to mischief which can harm others, try to stop them or bring it to the notice of your teachers. Have fun but let it be healthy.”

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