Tailor faces court for stitching short innerwear in India - GulfToday

Tailor faces court for stitching short innerwear in India


Krishna Kumar Dubey shows his 'short underwear' to media outside a court in Bhopal.

Gulf Today Report

Indian Police, who are already under severe pressure to put an end to ever mounting criminal activities across the country, have been confronted with a unique complaint.

A man in Bhopal city in Madhya Pradesh has filed a police complaint against a tailor and wants police to take action.

But the nature of complaint has made the police job tough in this particular case.

The complainant wants police to punish the tailor for stitching short underwear for him.

In his complaint, Krishna Kumar Dubey, 46, says that the tailor misused the 2-metre cloth piece, which he had given to him.

Bhopal-Inner-750 Krishna Kumar Dubey displays his underwear to media.

He says when he received the underwear it was short in length.

In his complaint Dubey said that he gave tailor 2-metres of cloth to stitch underwear, but he stitched shorter underwear. And when he asked him to re-stitch, the tailor denied.

"The tailor me charged me Rs70 (Dhs4 approximately)  and didn't even include the cost of nara (the thread used as elastic to hold the underwear). Later, he gave me a short underwear," he said speaking to media.  

Dubey said he is struggling to make end meets as he lost his job as a guard during the coronavirus lockdown.

He says he had borrowed money from a friend to buy some essentials.

Police have accepted the complaint and advised him to approach a local court.


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