Egypt’s ‘Doctor of the Poor’ passes away - GulfToday

Egypt’s ‘Doctor of the Poor’ passes away


Dr. Mohamed Mashally (Image credit: El Meezan)

Gulf Today Report

Dr Mohamed Mashally, who is widely known as ‘Doctor of the Poor,’ in Egypt has passed away at the age of 76.

Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, took to twitter to mourn the death of Mohamed Mashally.

"Dr Mohammed Al Mashally of the dear Arab republic of Egypt… He was a maker of a different kind of hope. He spent 50 years of his career for treating the poor. He is a model of doctors and a model of great people. May Allah have mercy on him and reside him in the highest paradise," tweeted Sheikh Mohammed.

Mohammed tweet on Egypt doc

Mashally was known for his noble work for the people of Tanta, Egypt and the rest of the world.

Mohamed Mashally has become a symbol of good faith and noble work for the people of Tanta, and for the rest of the world.

He was awarded for his noble work recently, and he continues to carry the title, Doctor of the Poor.

Mashally dedicated his life to patients who couldn’t afford healthcare and three years ago he was honoured with the title ‘Doctor of the Poor.’

He has said in an interview that the reason he became a doctor for the poor is because in his past there was a diabetic child who needed an Insulin shot and his mother told him if we buy you the injection today we will not have money for food so the child goes up to the roof of the house and burns himself and as the Dr. tried to save his burning body he vowed to not charge for his service ever again.

Mashally’s career as a doctor spanned over 50 years to the service of the people.

Mashally was born in the village of Dhahr Al Temsah, in Beheira Governorate, to a father who worked as a teacher and then moved to Gharbia Governorate where he settled with his family.

An artwork depicts Dr. Mohamed Mashally as an angel.

A portrait of Dr. Mohamed Mashally.

A fan pays tribute with this artwork.

A portrait of Dr. Mohamed Mashally.

An artwork depicts Dr. Mohamed Mashally as an angel.

In 1975 he opened his private clinic in Tanta, and for many years he charged  less than $0.3 per visit  which was later increased to $0.6.

During the course of running his clinic, he often treated underprivileged patients for free. He also provided them medicines for free.

Social Media users paid rich tribute to the doctor.

Mahmoud Abd Elnasser said on Twitter, “Today we lost a precious human to everyone's hearts.

“Thanks for spreading Good values that were about to disappear. Rest In Peace.”

Nagham Mansour said, “You made us believe that this life is full of great meanings that we have to live for…”

Nonaehab78 said, “Peace be upon the person who believes that Contentment is an inescapable treasure, not in words.”

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