Crane operator in Dubai rescued after he suffers heart attack at the height of 65 metres - GulfToday

Crane operator in Dubai rescued after he suffers heart attack at the height of 65 metres


Picture used for illustrative purpose only.

The Dubai Police has rescued a crane operator who suffered a heart attack while performing his duties 65 metres from the ground.


The successful operation was carried out by the Difficult Missions and Land Rescue teams of the Search and Rescue Department at the General Department of Transport and Rescue at Dubai Police, in cooperation with Dubai Civil Defence and Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services.


Lieutenant Colonel Yahya Hussain Muhammad, Head of the Difficult Missions Section at the General Department of Transport and Rescue at Dubai Police, confirmed that the Dubai Police Command and Control Centre had received an emergency call about the operator who suffered a heart attack at the top of a huge gantry at Jebel Ali Port.


"Joined by first responders from Dubai Civil Defence, Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, and the Land Rescue team at Dubai Police, our teams immediately responded to the call and leapt into action to save the man in distress," Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad said.


He noted that the operator, who was performing his regular duties, suddenly became severely ill and suffered from a blood clot.


"The man was stuck on top of the crane, which was located 65 metres above the ground which is equal to 13 residential floors," he explained.


He indicated that rescue teams were able to climb to the top of the crane, reach the crane operator, and immediately provide him with the first-aid required to stabilise his condition until the transfer to a hospital for treatment.


Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad pointed out that the most difficult challenge was lifting the man swiftly and safely as the crane’s electric lift had broken down.


"Our teams of technicians had to repair the lift and operate it manually before we lifted the man to the first floor where he was then placed on a stretcher and carried down to the ambulance, and then to the hospital, where he received specialised medical treatment," the head of the Difficult Missions Section at Dubai Police said.


Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad commended the work and cooperation of all the teams. He also thanked DP World for providing the facilities for the emergency services.


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