Mother stabs her children and then commits suicide over dispute with husband - GulfToday

Mother stabs her children and then commits suicide over dispute with husband

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Gulf Today Report

A Tunisian woman committed a horrific crime after she stabbed her two children, before committing suicide by jumping from the third floor of a building.

According to Tunisian media, the woman who was stripped of motherhood, and who committed this heinous crime, staying in Ouled Hafouz in the wilaya of Sidi Bouzid.

She pointed out that the crime that shook Tunisia led to the death of the son on the spot, while the girl was urgently transferred to the hospital to save her life.

She added that after the mother committed her crime, she threw herself from the third floor with the intention of committing suicide.

The official spokesman for the Court of First Instance in Sidi Bouzid confirmed that a dispute arose between a married couple living in the Ouled Hafouz area of Sidi Bouzid governorate, which ended with the death of a one-and-a-half-year-old child on the spot, and the injury of a 6-year-old girl who was later treated at the hospital to save her life after their mother stabbed them with a knife.

The official spokesman added in a statement to the local media that after her two children were stabbed, the mother threw herself from the third floor, and breathed her last while being taken to the hospital, adding that the Public Prosecution authorised the opening of an investigation into the incident.

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