Jordanian man finds his Egyptian mother after 43 years - GulfToday

Jordanian man finds his Egyptian mother after 43 years


Wissam with his mother.

Gulf Today Report

A Jordanian citizen succeeded in finding his Egyptian mother after an absence of 43 years, through a post on social media.

The search journey began through a post by the son on Facebook, during which he appealed to whoever could help him find his mother. The post received wide interaction, according to local media.

The young man, Wissam, wrote, “Your son is alive and looking for you.”

He attached a picture of him to the post so that Egyptians and Jordanians intervened, and they actually succeeded in delivering the son to his mother, after his aunt commented on the post.

In the first comment from the mother after meeting her son after an absence of 43 years, she said: "A new life has been written for me when I saw my beloved beloved of my heart, I was crying inside me all the time... I am very, very happy, and I almost fly with joy."

The Jordanian son said: “I have visited Egypt several times, and I did not know any way to reach my mother. When I published the last post, my aunt saw it, and she communicated the news to my mother, and I was contacted.”

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