VIDEO: Hawaiian fisherman mistakes tiger shark for a big turtle, survives attack - GulfToday

VIDEO: Hawaiian fisherman mistakes tiger shark for a big turtle, survives attack


Gulf Today Report

Scott Haraguchi, a kayak fisherman in the US Hawaiian Islands, found himself in a miniature scene from the famous movie "Jaws," when his boat was attacked by a tiger shark not far from the coast.

Haraguchi filmed a "dramatic" video of the incident by his helmet camera, which he had turned on to record his hunting trip.

The fisherman told reporters that when he heard a whizzing sound he initially thought it to be a boat without a motor heading towards him.

But when he looked up and saw a big brown thing which he thought to be a turtle, only after it bumped into him does he realised that it was a shark.

The video recorded by his helmet camera shows a large tiger shark secretly approaching the edge of the kayak, before opening its jaws to devour the left side of it.

Haraguchi said that the tiger shark might have mistook the bright yellow kayak for an injured seal.

Haraguchi believed that the shark must have attacked a seal earlier, left it for dead, and returned, mistaking the boat for the seal it abandoned.

However, despite the monster's attack Haraguchi was unharmed, and continued hunting.

The tiger shark is one of the most dangerous sharks in the world and is also known as sea tiger.

It is considered a very aggressive predator with strong senses, and it has a high desire to ‘get blood.’

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