Dhs50 daily fine after expiry of residency and visit visas in the UAE - GulfToday

Dhs50 daily fine after expiry of residency and visit visas in the UAE


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Emadeddin Khalil, Staff Reporter

The UAE digital government confirmed the unification of fines and fees for overstaying in the UAE after the expiration of a residence or visit visa.

It also explains the grace period granted for its renewal.

The authorities said there would be a fine of Dhs50 for each day after the expiration of the grace period, according to the Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality, Customs and Ports Security.

The digital government called on foreigners residing in the country and tourists to visit the websites of the authority and the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs Dubai, to view the visa service fees, as the fees that must be paid for that service are available on each service portal, whether it is issuance, extension or cancellation of a visa.

The authorities indicated that a request for entry permit and visa service can be submitted through the authority’s website and smart application, through the website “Dubai Now,” and typing centres.

The authorities added that there are electronic channels for visa application, through which a request for an entry permit or residence permit can be submitted. Those applications are available on Google and Apple stores.

The authorities pointed out that the application for obtaining a visa or entry permit can be submitted directly, through typing offices registered with the Authority, or offices accredited by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs Dubai, where the office submits the application and after approval, the applicant receives a letter of approval and the original entry permit copy.

On the other hand, a replacement request for the Emirates ID card will be generated automatically, when a customer applies for modification of data of his/her residency, the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security (ICP) said.

The ICP made available to customers through its smart channels via the website and smart application the service of modifying residency data, according to which the entered residence data such as “current personal information, profession modification, modification of current passport information, or change of nationality in the event of obtaining a new nationality” can by changed.

It explained that customers could use the service through several methods, including the website (www.icp.gov.ae) or the UAEICP smart application by logging in via UAE PASS or with the user name. Find the service to be applied for, fill out the data where applicable and pay service fees, or visit customer happiness centers to apply, or visit typing offices authorized by the ICP.



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