World Police Summit shines as inclusive international platform - GulfToday

World Police Summit shines as inclusive international platform


Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

The third edition of the World Police Summit features various accompanying events, side conferences, exhibitions, and workshops.

These initiatives are designed to foster collaboration and facilitate meaningful discussions among police, security delegations, and organizational representatives. The ultimate goal is to generate recommendations and outcomes that align with the objectives of the World Police Summit.

4 ROUNDTABLES: Four roundtable discussions will be held during the Summit as part of the agenda. One of these will specifically address the formulation of roadmaps to tackle urgent issues in law enforcement. Additionally, the Dubai Police will receive a delegation from the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) Board of Directors on the Summit’s sidelines, as a preparatory step towards hosting ICPA conferences in Dubai by the year 2027.

The roundtable discussions of the ICPA will delve into various topics aimed at enhancing the development of penal institutions through sustainable and resilient approaches in the ever-evolving world of technology. Key topics will include the ‘Modernization of Correctional Practices,’ ‘Resilient Staffing Practices,’ ‘Staff Culture and Mental Resilience,’ ‘Staff Training for Resilience and Sustainability,’ ‘Digital Maturity in Prison,’ ‘Artificial Intelligence and the Future World of Technology in Corrections.’ Furthermore, recommendations will be put forth for the main tracks to be addressed during the 2027 conferences.

IACP: Furthermore, the Summit will host the annual meeting of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). This gathering will bring together representatives from the seven regions, namely Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Central Deserts, Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and the Caribbean.

IALG: The Dubai Police will also host the second Seminar of the International Action Learning Group (IALG) on the sidelines of the World Police Summit in 2024.

The Seminar, hosted for the first time by Dubai Police, will feature the participation of Captain Dr. Abdullah Al Bastaki from the General Department of Forensics and Criminology, and Lieutenant Abdullah Al Dabal from the General Department of Criminal Investigation.

The International Action Learning Group (IALG) program supports the strategic, professional, and personal growth of 20 distinguished law enforcement officials selected from organisations across the globe.

Over nine months, the participants convene three times in various locations worldwide to undertake their missions, employing innovative and forward-thinking approaches.

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