Israeli strikes kill eight people in southern Lebanon - GulfToday

Israeli strikes kill eight people in southern Lebanon


Smoke billows from the site of an Israeli airstrike on the Lebanese village of Jebbain on Sunday. AFP

At least eight people were killed on Sunday by Israeli strikes in villages across southern Lebanon, Lebanese security sources said.

They said two people were killed in Aita al-Shaab, three in Houla, two in Yaroun and a driver whose motorcycle was targeted along a main road in Naqoura.

Hezbollah said on Sunday it mourned four of its fighters from Israeli strikes, and that it responded to the attacks by launching dozens of katyusha rockets towards Israeli army reserve units along Israel's northern border.

Fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, running in parallel to the nearly eight-month-long war in Gaza, has been the most intense since 2006.

Increased bombardment from both sides has fuelled concerns of a bigger war between the heavily-armed adversaries.

Hezbollah has repeatedly said that it will cease fire when the Israeli offensive in Gaza stops, but that it is also ready to fight on if Israel continues to attack Lebanon.


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