Education key to women’s empowerment: Yasmin Khan - GulfToday

Education key to women’s empowerment: Yasmin Khan


Yasmin Khan, Member of the Board of Governors of Teesside University, UK.

Jamil Khan, Senior Reporter

Education and empowerment are vital tools for elevating women in society while increasing awareness and education about gender equality is crucial. This can be achieved through a series of workshops, campaigns, and integrating gender studies into the curriculum.

Creating and enforcing policies that promote equal opportunities in the workplace can help to overcome challenges like societal expectations and gender bias in the workplace.

This was stated by Yasmin Khan in an exclusive interview with Gulf Today. She is Member of the Board of Governors of the Teesside University, UK and visiting the Regional Office in Dubai recently. She is also Welsh Government National Advisor - for Violence against Women Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence, London Fire & Rescue service Culture review-Independent Panel member as well as Founder/Chief Officer of Halo Project - National Charity for Forced Marriages, HBV and FGM.

“Education and empowerment are vital tools for elevating women in society. The government and private sector play a pivotal role in this process. Government initiatives can include scholarship programmes for women, creating safe and inclusive educational environments, and legislating for equal rights. The private sector can contribute by ensuring gender diversity in their hiring practices, providing training and development opportunities, and establishing support systems like childcare facilities and flexible working hours. Empowered through education and supportive policies, women can achieve greater economic independence, participate more fully in society, and assume leadership roles,” she added.

Responding a question, she said, “NGOs in the UAE are indeed making significant efforts to support women facing various challenges. Organisations such as the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children and the Emirates Foundation for Youth Development are providing crucial services, from shelter and counselling to legal assistance and vocational training. However, there’s always room for improvement. Enhancing collaboration between NGOs, the government, and the private sector can amplify their impact. Increased funding, volunteer support, and community engagement are essential to expanding their reach and effectiveness.”