Abu Dhabi successfully treats thyroid cancer using radioactive iodine - GulfToday

Abu Dhabi successfully treats thyroid cancer using radioactive iodine


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The Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA), a subsidiary of PureHealth, has successfully treated a 54-year-old patient with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) undergoing dialysis for thyroid cancer using radioactive treatment.

This marks a significant breakthrough in administering radioactive iodine therapy to a patient in need of haemodialysis (HD) during isolation, setting a new precedent for innovative, collaborative and safe healthcare practices.

The operation was a collaborative effort by specialists from SEHA's Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) and SEHA Kidney Care (SKC), bringing together experts in nuclear medicine, endocrinology, kidney care, dialysis services, environmental health & safety, and engineering.

This multidisciplinary approach was essential for addressing the unique challenges faced by the patient's condition.

Radioactive iodine therapy, a cornerstone treatment for thyroid cancer post-surgery, requires precise dosing based on patient risk stratification.

The decision for the patient to undergo a total thyroidectomy followed by postoperative radioactive iodine therapy was unanimously agreed upon by the thyroid cancer multidisciplinary team.

This choice aimed to effectively remove and treat thyroid cancer, with a particular focus on ensuring the safety and efficacy of dialysis during the patient's period of radioactive isolation.


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