Sheikh Sultan commends talent of Sharjah Performing Arts Academy's students - GulfToday

Sheikh Sultan commends talent of Sharjah Performing Arts Academy's students


Sheikh Sultan awards a degree to a student during the ceremony on Sunday. WAM

Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member, Ruler of Sharjah and President of the Sharjah Performing Arts Academy (SPAA), witnessed, on Sunday, the graduation ceremony of the second batch of SPAA students.

During the ceremony, the Ruler of Sharjah announced the opening of the College of Music of SPAA, and studies will begin starting from the next academic year.

His Highness considered it a valuable opportunity for those with artistic talents to join this college and learn all kinds of music, including Arabic music.

Sheikh Sultan congratulated the male and female students of the Class of 2024 from the SPAA on their graduation, pointing out that this day is not the end of the road, but rather the road is open for all graduates to follow in the future, noting that they will not be alone after graduation, as everyone will stand by them and supports them.

The Ruler of Sharjah spoke about the first batch of the academy’s students, which numbered 13 male and female students, pointing out that the small number was due to a lack of talent and not a lack of demand from students, as only those with outstanding talent were accepted.

His Highness stated that the current batch is 49 male and female students, and this is an indication of the increase in the number of talents applying to the academy.

His Highness praised the competence, talent and knowledge of the academy’s students in its various specialisations, stressing that this is what His Highness aspired to with the idea of establishing the academy, and for it to be among the best art academies in the world and for everyone to be proud of its students.

His Highness wished all the students success during their future journey and that they would be keen to pass on the knowledge they have acquired.


The graduation ceremony, which was held at the academy’s theatre, began with the national anthem of the United Arab Emirates, followed by a speech by Dr Peter Barlow, Executive Director of the SPAA, in which he expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah for His Highness’s efforts in establishing the academy, proving the effectiveness of the idea at the level of professional training and education in the region, which are much needed.

Its graduates have also proven that they have the highest levels of preparation and that their entrepreneurial skills exceed expectations, which makes the academy look forward, with the support of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah, to establishing companies specialised in theatrical performance, to provide their services in schools through specialised workshops for children, and to hold performances throughout the United Arab Emirates, in cooperation with the academy’s Alumni Association, the Ministry of Culture, and the institutions responsible for tourism.


He expressed the academy’s happiness with the continuous excellence of the graduates, whether at the level of continuing graduate studies, winning international awards, or serving the labour market by occupying prestigious jobs inside and outside the country, such as Disney World choosing a group of students to work with them. He also touched on the academy’s cadres winning many international awards through their various participations.

During his speech, he announced the readiness to launch the Master of Fine Arts programme and the start of construction of the new College of Music next September. The academy will also host the “World Stage Design” event, which is a prominent international event held for the first time in an Arab country.


On her part, artist Haifa Hussein, the guest of honour at the ceremony, gave a speech in which she praised the efforts and support of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah for art and artists, discussing her story of searching to develop her expertise in the field of theatre, that she missed during her work as an actress to develop herself, and she did not find that place that would provide her with complete knowledge.

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