119 more citizens get jobs in Sharjah Municipality - GulfToday

119 more citizens get jobs in Sharjah Municipality

Sheikh Sultan Al Qasimi

Sheikh Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi

His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, has approved the employment of 119 citizens in the Sharjah Municipality as inspectors in various specialities.

Sharjah Ruler issues Decree regarding SCC

Sheikh Sultan issued an Emiri Decree on the adjournment of the first regular session of the eleventh legislative term of Sharjah Consultative Council (SCC).

The Decree states that the first regular session of the eleventh legislative term of the Sharjah Consultative Council shall be adjourned after the completion of the agenda of the session scheduled for Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Sheikh Sultan issues Emiri Decree approving SFD structure

Sheikh Sultan also issued an Emiri Decree approving the working organisational structure of the Sharjah Finance Department (SFD).

The decree stipulates that the working organisational structure of SFD attached to the present decree shall be approved, whereas the Executive Council shall issue decisions including the following: the detailed organisational structure of SFD; decisions necessary to implement the present decree, including the approval of job descriptions of the functions of SFD organisational units, in accordance with its competencies; and the creation, merger, or cancellation of any organisational units affiliated with SFD included within the general organisational structure.


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