Youngest Hajj pilgrim from Egypt dies in Makkah - GulfToday

Youngest Hajj pilgrim from Egypt dies in Makkah

Yahya Mohamed Ramadan.

Gulf Today Report

Social media users circulated a photo of the child Yahya Mohamed Ramadan, who recently passed away in Makkah.

The people of Kafr El Sheikh Governorate in Egypt received the news of the child’s death with great sadness, as he was accompanying his parents while performing the Hajj in the Holy Land.

Mohamed who is from Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt, had gained fame on Facebook during the past few days, following the posting of a photograph of him next to the Holy Kaaba in Ihram attire as the youngest Egyptian pilgrim.

His image was widely circulated by social media users, but the child subsequently passed away.

The child’s family announced his death in the Holy Mosque while his parents were engaged in the Hajj rituals, as he could not bear the high temperatures.

In response, a multitude of followers offered prayers to God Almighty, to bestow His mercy upon him and to grant his parents patience and solace.



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