VIDEO: Donald Trump Jr. recommends Emirates Airlines for luxury travel during a trip to Dubai - GulfToday

VIDEO: Donald Trump Jr. recommends Emirates Airlines for luxury travel during a trip to Dubai

A combo image shows Donald Trump Jr in the first class cabin on Emirates Airlines.

Gulf Today Report

Donald Trump Jr., the son of the former US president, revealed his presence in Dubai to establish new projects in a video he broadcast from his first class cabin on Emirates Airlines, stressing that it is the most suitable choice for luxury travel.

Donald Trump Jr. said in a video he posted during his trip on his TikTok account: “Okay, guys. I just took a day trip to Dubai and Oman. We have projects in Oman and other projects in Dubai. We work on it daily.”

He continued, showing off his Emirates first class cabin, saying: “I think I flew 30 hours, but if you are going to fly a lot, this is a great way to do it.

“I'm in first class on Emirates Airlines. There are beds lying flat when opened, and the doors are closed in the completely closed cabin.”

He talked about the advantages of his seat, saying: “There is great food here and there is more legroom than I could know what to do with. As I said, the beds open flat and have mattresses on top of them.”

He continued his speech to his followers, saying: “If it was going to be an 18-hour trip for one day to the Middle East, this is the way to do it. I thought I had to share this with you guys because I'm a fairly spoiled person.

“This is still absolutely amazing.”

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