NCM predicts gradual rise in temperature until Thursday - GulfToday

NCM predicts gradual rise in temperature until Thursday


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Emadeddin Khalil, Staff Reporter

The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) has predicted that the UAE will witness gradual rise in temperature this week, with the possibility of light fog, active winds stirring dust and dirt, turbulent sea.

This will occur between Monday and next Thursday, the NCM added.

The NCM has predicted that the Monday’s weather will be partly cloudy to sometimes cloudy in the east and south, with a gradual rise in temperatures.

The winds will be southwesterly to northwesterly, light to moderate speed and sometimes active during the day, stirring dust with speeds of 10 to 25 up to 40 km/h. The sea will be light in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of Oman.

The weather on Tuesday is expected to be partly cloudy to sometimes cloudy in the east and south, with high humidity at night and on Wednesday morning in some coastal areas. Light fog is possible, and winds will be southwesterly to northwesterly.

Winds will be light to moderate in speed and sometimes active during the day, causing dust, with a speed of 10 to 25 up to 40 km/h. The sea will be light in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of Oman.

The Wednesday's weather will be dusty to partly cloudy, with temperatures decreasing, especially on the coasts. The northwesterly winds will be light to moderate in speed, becoming active to strong at times, especially on the sea.

This will cause dust with speeds from 15 to 25 and up to 45 km/h. The sea will be light to medium waves that gradually become rougher at noon in the Arabian Gulf and light to medium in the Sea of Oman.

The weather forecast for Thursday is for dusty, partly cloudy conditions, with humidity at night and on Friday morning. Coastal and inland areas may experience fog or light fog, and winds will be northwesterly, moderate to active, and occasionally strong, especially on the sea.

Dust and dirt will be generated, with speeds of 15 to 30 km/h, and the sea will be turbulent to very turbulent in the Arabian Gulf and light to moderate in the Sea of Oman.

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