Facing discrimination in UAE? don't worry, you have six digital channels to report it - GulfToday

Facing discrimination in UAE? don't worry, you have six digital channels to report it


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Emaduddin Khalil, Staff Reporter

The UAE Digital Government (UAE DGov) has set up six digital channels to report incidents of any kind of discrimination in the UAE. If one faces discrimination in the UAE, one can report them to the government authorities.

By law, discrimination is a crime, it said, adding that one can report discrimination through online channels of the UAE police across the country, or file a lawsuit through judicial authorities.

Individuals may also report discrimination experienced at workplace through the online channels of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation for the private sector employees and through the online channels of the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR), which is responsible for human resources grievances in the government sector.

Human rights issues can be reported online through the eServices from the Human Rights Office, Judicial Department-Abu Dhabi or the Community Development Authority (CDA).

They may contact CDA on the toll-free number 8002121 or email at human_rights@cda.gov.ae.

The UAE DGov called on the public to contact the Ministry of Tolerance and Co-existence in the UAE to share any discrimination issues or email at info@tolerance.gov.ae.

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