Arab League condemns Israeli Knesset’s rejection of Palestinian state - GulfToday

Arab League condemns Israeli Knesset’s rejection of Palestinian state

gaza 33

The Al Aqsa Mosque. Associated Press

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit condemned the announcement issued by the Israeli Knesset on Thursday, rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state, stressing that this announcement and the invalid justifications it contained only expose the true intentions of the Israeli occupation towards the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights, foremost of which is the establishment of their independent state on their land occupied since June 4, 1967.

Jamal Rushdi, the official spokesman of the Arab League's Secretary-General, said the announcement coincided with the storming of the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque by extremist Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Aboul Gheit affimed that the Knesset rejection aims to legitimise the occupation apartheid and normalise the desecration of holy sites, which undermine the two-state solution and rejects the peace that the international community seeks.


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