Meet Merola Maged, the youngest Egyptian woman to obtain three pilot licences - GulfToday

Meet Merola Maged, the youngest Egyptian woman to obtain three pilot licences


Merola Maged poses for a photo with her plane.

Gulf Today Report

The National Council for Women (NCW) in Egypt has extended its congratulations to Merola Maged for attaining three pilot licences, thereby becoming the youngest Egyptian woman to accomplish this achievement.

The NCW expressed its profound pride in this significant accomplishment, which contributes to the growing corpus of achievements by Egyptian women and their successes in diverse fields.


It is worthy of note that Merola Maged was able to successfully pilot the aircraft for a period of 36 hours. Her training in aviation encompassed a total of 190 hours, during which she acquired three licences in both theoretical and practical aspects of flying. She subsequently demonstrated her proficiency by successfully passing all three examinations.

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