UAE lists detailed procedures required to adjust visa status of overstayers - GulfToday

UAE lists detailed procedures required to adjust visa status of overstayers


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Emaduddin Khalil, Staff Reporter

The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security ( ICP) has identified all the detailed procedures required for residency and visa violators to adjust their status by staying and working in the UAE as per the regulation option within the amnesty period, which continues until October 30, 2024.

The ICP explained that a residency violator is an individual whose residency has expired and does not have a work permit issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) but who wishes to stay and work in the country as per the regulation option.

Violators under this category have two procedures to follow. They may join a new employer but this procedure requires the new employer to apply for a new work permit to be issued by the MoHRE or the ICP, depending on the type of his establishment.

Alternatively, they may continue working for the current employer, in which case the latter is required to apply for residency renewal through an ICP channel, noting that if the violator wishes to leave, he must apply for exit permit through an ICP system.

Residency violators with expired residency and an expired work permit issued by the MoHRE have three procedures to stay and work in the country, the ICP said.

If the violator wishes to continue to work for the current employer, the latter must apply for work permit renewal via a MoHRE channel in accordance with the procedures in force.

Alternatively, the current employer may apply for cancelling work permit of a violating worker via a MoHRE channel as per the procedures in force or file a complaint about the worker’s absence from work.

If a violating worker wishes to join work at a new employer, the latter must apply for issuance of a work permit, the ICP said, noting that in case the violating worker wishes to leave the country, he should apply for exit permit via the ICP systems.

Residency violators with expired residency, who have a work permit issued by the MoHRE and against whom a work interruption complaint has been filed, have to follow either of two procedures:

If the current employer wishes to continue the contractual relationship, he must apply for work permit renewal via a MoHRE channel without the need to apply for canceling a work interruption complaint, if the worker’s permit has expired. However, in case of a valid work permit, the current employer must apply for canceling a work interruption complaint.

Alternatively, the new employer must apply for a new work permit to be issued by the MoHRE or the ICP as per the type of establishment in case the violating worker wishes to join work for a new employer.

A visa violator who has exceeded the period of residency specified in their visa must follow either of two procedures. He may stay in the event that the violating visitor wishes to join work for a new employer. This procedure requires the new employer to apply for a new work permit to be issued by the MoHRE or the ICP, depending on the type of establishment.

Alternatively, a violating visitor may leave the country in which case, he may apply for an exit permit via the ICP systems.

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