Al Ain court obligates driver to pay Dhs70,000 for causing 25% permanant disability to a woman - GulfToday

Al Ain court obligates driver to pay Dhs70,000 for causing 25% permanant disability to a woman


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Abdul Rahman Saeed, Staff Reporter

Al Ain Court of First Instance obligated a driver to pay a compensation of Dhs70,000 to a woman for causing a traffic accident that left her with a permanent disability estimated at 25 per cent.

According to the official documents, a woman filed a lawsuit against a driver in which she requested the court of law to obligate him to pay her Dhs51,000 as a temporary compensation for all the harms she had befallen, while preserving her right to amend her requests in light of the findings of the forensic report.

She also requested the court to obligate the defendant to pay the fees, expenses and lawyer’s fees, and as a precautionary measure, to appoint a specialised forensic pathologist to estimate the percentage of disability that the plaintiff suffered as a result of the injuries she sustained from the accident.

The court explained that it was evident from reviewing the papers and the report of the forensic pathologist that the plaintiff suffered from stiffness in the fingers of her left hand as a result of the accident and pain at the fractures she sustained, which constituted a permanent disability.

The functional disability at the upper left limb is estimated at 25 per cent of and therefore the court estimates the compensation for the physical and moral damages suffered by the plaintiff at Dhs70,000.

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