UAE defines 4 procedures for investigating work injury and occupational diseases - GulfToday

UAE defines 4 procedures for investigating work injury and occupational diseases

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Abdulrahman Saeed, Staff Reporter

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has outlined four procedures to be followed in the investigation of work-related injuries and occupational diseases.

The first step is for the competent investigating authority at the police station to conduct an inquiry and investigation in accordance with the established procedures.

Subsequently, an inspector from the Ministry or the relevant authorities will assist the investigating authorities in collecting evidence if necessary.

The data and information contained in the investigation will be used solely as evidence by the medical authority, which will make the final decision on whether there is a work injury.

Finally, the investigating authority will provide the Ministry with a copy of the result of the procedures it has carried out.

The Ministry explained the procedures and conditions that must be adhered to in the event of a work-related injury or illness. These include notifying the relevant medical authority, the appropriate police station in accordance with the geographical area, and the Ministry via the designated channels within a maximum period of 48 hours from the date the employer or their legal representative became aware of the potential occupational disease or from the time of any other work-related injury.

In regard to the potential for the employer to obtain the specified percentages pertaining to the remuneration of the worker for work-related injuries and occupational diseases, the Ministry has indicated that employer is bound by law to disburse the requisite compensation to the worker in accordance with the tables appended to the Cabinet’s Decision No. 33 of 2022 concerning work-related injuries and occupational diseases.

In the event that the degree of disability is not specified in the aforementioned tables, the competent medical committee is responsible for making an estimation.

In terms of the obligations of the medical authorities towards the Ministry, it has indicated that these include the preparation of a report containing data sent to the Ministry concerning the work injury or occupational disease in question.

This report should specify the injury, the type of occupational disease, the cause, the date of occurrence, the duration of treatment, the degree of disability, whether total or partial, and the ability of the injured worker to continue working. Furthermore, the report must be certified.

The term "medical entity" is defined as any federal or local government health facility that provides health services within a given country. Similarly, the term "health entity" is defined as any federal or local government entity that is concerned with regulating health affairs within the limits of its competences

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